Connecting Individual Social Accounts with Secure Connect

Learn how agencies can use Secure Connect to let their clients connect individual social media accounts.
Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 2 weeks ago
Secure Connect allows clients to connect one account for each link. For Agencies, we now recommend using Client Connect Links, which allows your clients to connect all of their social accounts with a single link.

Secure Connect lets agencies connect multiple social media accounts to Postpone.

With Secure Connect, your clients add their own social accounts to your Postpone account. This has a number of benefits:

  1. Your other social accounts are protected, since clients will log into their social accounts with their IP address and browser.
    1. This is especially important with Reddit, which can link accounts together and chain-ban them all if one account is banned.
  2. Your Postpone account security is improved, since clients will not have access to your Postpone account.
  3. Client privacy is improved, since clients don’t need to share their social account credentials.

The Secure Connect flow is simple:

  1. Create a Secure Connect link under Settings -> Connected Accounts -> Secure Connect Links in Postpone.
  2. Send the link to your client.
  3. Your client clicks the link and logs into their social account.
  4. The social account is added to your Postpone account.

At no step in the process can the client access your Postpone account. 

Detailed Instructions

Secure Connect requires a confirmed email address and password in Postpone to use, so be sure to set those before proceeding.

Generate a Secure Connect link

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Connected Accounts -> Secure Connect Links in Postpone.
  2. Click the Create a Secure Connect Link button.
  3. Choose a platform and select Create a Secure Connect Link.
  4. Copy the link that Postpone generated.
  5. Send the link to your client.

Client Adds their Account

  1. Your client clicks on the Secure Connect link you provided.
  2. They’re taken to the Secure Connect landing page.
    1. This page provides information about connecting their account. It displays the name and email you’ve configured in Postpone.
  3. The client clicks Connect with Reddit.
  4. They’re taken to to log in with their Reddit account and allow access to Postpone.
  5. They’re redirected back to the Postpone success landing page.

Revoking Secure Connect Links

Once Secure Connect links are created they can be used by anyone to add a social account to your Postpone account. These links expire after 30 days.

If you’d like to revoke Secure Connect links you’ve sent to clients then you can do so from Settings -> Connected Accounts -> Secure Connect Links.

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