Bulk Importing Posts

Import and schedule dozens of Reddit posts all at once.
Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 1 year ago


Bulk Import is a Postpone feature that lets users import and schedule dozens or even hundreds of posts all at once. With Bulk Import you can manage your Reddit posts from a spreadsheet, which may be a simpler method as you create and share more and more content over time.

All Postpone plans support bulk importing posts. Check out our Pricing Plans if you need to upgrade to schedule more posts per month.

Bulk Import

Follow these steps to bulk import posts with Postpone:

Download our Template Spreadsheet

The first thing you'll need to do is download the Bulk Import template file. To do that head over to Bulk Import and choose which kind of import you'd like to do: import individual posts or import using Post Templates

The CSV file templates are good starting points for your posts, as they contain all of the columns necessary to import your posts. They also include several examples showing how to schedule different types of content, schedule on specific dates/times or using Subreddit Analysis recommendations, and configure auto-removal.

Fill Out the Spreadsheet

Open the CSV file in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers. Then add a row for each post you'd like to schedule. In those rows, fill out the cells with the content of your choice.

Importing Individual Posts

Follow these steps to configure your Bulk Import CSV file where each row is a separate post.

Configuring the Content You're Submitting

The link/image column should be used in two conditions:

  • You're submitting a link to content hosted elsewhere, such as a link to a blog post or image hosted on Imgur.com.
    • For instance, to schedule a link to an Imgur image you'd add the value https://i.imgur.com/wT0Q0h0.jpg
  • You're submitting an image, GIF, or video that is hosted in the Content Library.
    • In this case, add the name of the file that you've saved to the Content Library. Postpone provides a clipboard icon to easily copy the file name.
    • By default, Postpone will schedule the image to submit directly to the subreddit. If you'd like to upload the image to Imgur and submit a link instead then you can add the value imgur to the upload_to column.

If you'd like for Postpone to submit a comment to your post immediately after it is submitted then include that under the comment column. The text column should be used when submitting text-based posts rather than links.

The user column is where you'll specify which Reddit Account you'd like to schedule this post for. For instance, to schedule a post from the Reddit user /u/ronswanson you'd put ronswanson in this column. 

Scheduling Posts to Subreddits

The subreddit column is where you'll include the subreddit you'd like to submit to. You can also submit the post to your Reddit user profiles. To do so, use the format u_{username} in the subreddit column. For example, to schedule a post to the profile of /u/ronswanson you would include the value u_ronswanson.

Include the day and time that you'd like to schedule your post under the post_at column. The time should be in your local timezone. The format of the date and time should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM. For example, 2022-10-15 16:00 will schedule the post for October 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm in your timezone.

You can also use Subreddit Analysis to pick the best time to post. Try out one of the following formats in the post_at column:

  • best_today / best_tomorrow - the best time today or tomorrow
  • best_4_days / best_12_days - the best time on a relative date, e.g. 12 days from today
  • best_2022-11-06 - the best time on an absolute date, e.g. Nov. 6, 2022

Fill out the flair column to add flair to the posts you import. The value should be the name of the flair copied exactly from Reddit. For instance, the subreddit /r/Apple offers flair like iCloud or App Store. Use the values iCloud or App Store in the flair column to tag your post with these flair.

Be sure to mark your post as a spoiler or NSFW if either of those apply. To do that, add the number 1 to the spoiler or nsfw column. If you'd like to receive replies in your Reddit inbox then include a 1 in the replies column.

You can configure your posts to be automatically removed using the remove_at column. Postpone supports values such as:

  • 1h - remove the post 1 hour after it is submitted
  • 3h - remove the post 3 hours after it is submitted
  • 2d - remove the post 2 days after it is submitted
  • 7d - remove the post 7 days after it is submitted

You can also tell Postpone to only remove the post if it does not meet a minimum upvote threshold. Fill out the remove_min_upvotes column with the upvotes required. If the post has more upvotes then Postpone won't remove it. This field is optional.

Crossposting with Bulk Import

You can tell Postpone to automatically crosspost the submission to your user profile using the profile_crosspost column. Simply include the value 1 to indicate the submission should be crossposted to your Reddit profile. Leave this blank if you do not want to crosspost.

Automatic profile crossposts do not count against your monthly post limit.

If you'd like more control over your crossposts, then you can use the crosspost_id and crosspost_from columns.

Use crosspost_id to identify a post you'd like to crosspost. This cell should contain any ID that uniquely defines the row, such as parent_post_1.

Use crosspost_from on rows where you'd like your crosspost to be submitted. This cell should contain the same crosspost ID that indicates which row should be crossposted.

The following screenshot shows a CSV file where one post is crossposted to two subreddits, and another post is crossposted to one subreddit.

At this time, Bulk Import only supports one level of crossposting. That means you cannot further crosspost a row that is already a crosspost.

Importing Using Post Templates

If you're using Post Templates for your import then there will be fewer columns to fill out in the spreadsheet.

For each row, add the post you'd like to schedule using a Post Template. Give it a title and link or content. If you're scheduling a link post then you can optionally include a comment.

Finally, add the name of the Post Template you'd like to use to schedule this post in the template column.

Postpone will use the subreddits, flair, post at weekday/time, and post settings you defined in your Post Template when you import these posts. 

You can only import posts using Post Templates that include a weekday and time for all subreddits. Otherwise Postpone won't know which day and time to schedule the posts!

Export Your Spreadsheet to CSV

Once you've finished filling out the spreadsheet export it to a CSV file.

In Microsoft Excel this is under File -> Save As. In the Save As dialog box select CSV (Comma delimited) and click Save. For more information see Microsoft Excel's official documentation.

In Apple Numbers this is under File -> Export To -> CSV. For more information see Apple Number's official documentation.

Upload the File to Postpone

Now it's time to upload your CSV file to Postpone. Head over to Bulk Import in Postpone. Click "Choose a CSV File" and select the CSV file you exported in the previous step.

Before we perform the import Postpone will display which posts it's about to create. This gives you a chance to confirm you'd like to upload these posts. Click "Import Posts" and Postpone will create and schedule all of the posts for you.

If any posts share the same title, content, link, and Reddit user then Postpone will even set up cross-posts for you. If you'd like to make any further changes to imported posts then head over to the Dashboard and edit the posts from there.

Sit Back and Let Postpone Submit Posts for You

At this point there is nothing left to do but sit back and let us submit posts for you. Postpone will let you know if any of them fail to submit for any reason. Be sure to turn on notifications in your Profile to receive these notifications.

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