How are post limits counted?

Learn which posts count against your monthly post limit and which posts do not.
Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 6 months ago

Postpone's plans allow you to schedule and submit a certain number of posts each month. This is called your post limit. Each monthly billing cycle has its own post limit, even for customers on annual plans.

Posts are counted in the month they are scheduled to be submitted or when they are actually submitted. Any posts that are not used will not be carried over to the following month.

Postpone counts the following types of posts against your monthly post limit:

  • Scheduled Posts - Scheduled posts are counted against your post limit based on the date they are scheduled to submit. 
  • Submitted Posts - Submitted posts are counted against your post limit based on the date they were submitted.

The following types of posts are not counted against your monthly post limit:

  • Failed Posts - If a post failed to submit to a social platform then it will not be counted against your post limit. These are posts found under History > Failed Posts.
  • Draft Posts - If a post is saved as a Draft then it is not counted against your post limit. Draft posts are only counted when they are scheduled or submitted.


Imagine your Postpone billing cycle is from April 1 to April 30. You have the following posts in Postpone:

  • 2 post scheduled: one on April 15 and one on May 15.
  • 1 post submitted on April 8.
  • 3 posts saved as drafts.
  • 1 post failed to submit.

Here's how Postpone would count these posts against your monthly post limit:

  • 2 posts used for your April 1 to April 30 billing cycle (the post submitted on April 8 and scheduled for April 15).
  • 1 post used for your May 1 to May 30 billing cycle (the post scheduled for May 15).

The 3 draft posts and 1 failed post are not counted against your post limit.

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