Introduction to Scheduling Tweets

Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 1 year ago

Postpone supports scheduling your Tweets from any connected Twitter account. The following are some things to keep in mind while scheduling Tweets using Postpone.

Postpone supports scheduling individual Tweets or Tweet threads. Each thread can have an indefinite number of Tweets. All Tweets in the thread will be submitted at the same scheduled date and time.

Each Tweet you schedule can have up to 280 characters. Twitter does not allow third parties like Postpone to submit Tweets with more than 280 characters, even for accounts subscribed to Twitter Blue.

Each Tweet can contain either no media, 1-4 images, 1 GIF, or 1 video. If your Tweet contains media then it does not require any text. Check out our Twitter Media Limits help doc for information on the supported file types and sizes.

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