TikTok Media Limits

Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 11 months ago

Video Specifications

  • Supported media formats

    • MP4 (recommended)

    • WebM

    • MOV

  • Supported codecs

    • H.264 (recommended)

    • H.265

    • VP8

    • VP9

  • Framerate

    • Minimum of 23 FPS

    • Maximum of 60 FPS

  • Picture size restrictions

    • Minimum of 360 pixels for both height and width

    • Maximum of 4096 pixels for both height and width

  • Duration restrictions

    • All TikTok creators can post 3-minute videos, while some have access to post 5-minute or 10-minute videos.

  • Size restrictions

    • Maximum of 4GB

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