Possible Failure Reasons
The following are failure reasons that may appear under History > Failed Posts. For each failure reason we've included one or more suggested fixes.
Reddit doesn't allow links from bit.ly
Explanation: Reddit does not allow links from link-shorteners like bit.ly or t.co (Twitter's link shortener).
Suggested Fix: Submit the underlying link instead of submitting a link-shortener that redirects to your link.
Error code: domain_banned
Imgur is currently inaccessible
Explanation: Imgur is having an outage or was temporarily unavailable, so Postpone couldn't upload to Imgur during Fresh Links.
Suggested Fix: Wait until Imgur is back up again, and reach out to support if this happens for a prolonged period of time.
Error code: imgur_down
Your crosspost includes a link that isn't working
Explanation: The post you're trying to crosspost contains a link which is either broken or inaccessible. This can also happen if the initial post was removed before Postpone attempted to crosspost it to a different subreddit.
Suggested Fix: Check and verify the link in the original post. If the link is broken or inaccessible, consider replacing or removing it before crossposting.
Error code: invalid_crosspost
The attempted media upload action has failed
Explanation: Postpone encountered an issue while trying to upload your media.
Suggested Fix: Ensure your media is in a supported format and size. Try re-uploading after a moment or consider using a different media file.
Error code: invalid_media
Imgur upload failed: File is over the size limit
Explanation: The image you're trying to upload to Imgur exceeds their allowable size limit, which is 10 MB for images and GIFs.
Suggested Fix: Compress or resize your image to fit within Imgur's size limit before attempting to upload again.
Error code: media_upload_failed
The target subreddit does not allow image posts
Explanation: The subreddit you're attempting to post to does not support image posts.
Suggested Fix: Upload your image to a third party host like Imgur and submit a link post if allowed by the subreddit, or select a different subreddit which allows image posts.
Error code: no_images
The target subreddit does not allow link posts
Explanation: The subreddit you're attempting to post to does not support link posts.
Suggested Fix: Post as an image or text post if allowed by the subreddit, or select a different subreddit which allows link posts.
Error code: no_links
The target subreddit does not allow polls
Explanation: The subreddit you're attempting to post to does not support poll posts.
Suggested Fix: Consider posting without a poll or select a different subreddit that allows polls.
Error code: no_polls
The target subreddit does not allow self posts
Explanation: The subreddit you're trying to post to does not allow self/text posts.
Suggested Fix: Post as an image or link post if allowed by the subreddit, or choose a different subreddit that allows self posts.
Error code: no_selfs
Not authorized or Reddit account connection broken
Explanation: This failure can happen for a few reasons:
- You do not have the necessary permissions to post in the selected subreddit
- Postpone lost its connection to your Reddit account, which happens when you change your Reddit account password or add two-factor authentication.
Suggested Fixes:
- If you recently changed your Reddit password or two-factor authentication then re-connect your account under Settings > Connected Accounts > Reddit.
- You do not need to remove your Reddit account from Postpone first.
- If the subreddit is set to private then request an invite.
- Reach out to subreddit moderators requesting verification.
- Select a different subreddit.
Error code: not_authorized
The target subreddit does not allow video posts
Explanation: The subreddit you're attempting to post to does not support video posts.
Suggested Fix: Post as a different type (image, link, or text) if allowed by the subreddit, or choose another subreddit that allows video posts.
Error code: no_videos
Cannot crosspost since parent post has not been submitted
Explanation: You're attempting to crosspost from a post that hasn't been published or submitted yet.
Suggested Fix: Ensure the original post is submitted and public before attempting to crosspost.
Error code: parent_not_submitted
Error connecting to proxy
Explanation: Postpone is unable to connect to your proxy.
Suggested Fixes: Check your proxy configuration under Settings > IP Proxies.
- Check that the protocol is correct (HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5).
- Check that the authentication credentials (username and password) are correct.
- Check that the IP address or domain name and port are corrected.
- Confirm that IP address authentication is disabled on your proxy provider.
Error code: proxy_connect_error
Reddit is asking you to wait longer to post
Explanation: You've hit Reddit's post rate limit, which prevents spam by limiting how often users can post in quick succession.
Suggested Fix: Wait for the specified time before trying to post again.
Error code: rate_limited
Reddit is currently unavailable
Explanation: Reddit's servers are temporarily down or unreachable. Reddit may be experiencing an outage.
Suggested Fix: Wait a while and try again. Check Reddit's status page to verify if Reddit is having an outage.
Error code: reddit_down
Your title does not meet the requirements for this community. See the rules for more details.
Explanation: Your post title doesn't adhere to the specific rules set by the subreddit's moderators.
Suggested Fix: Review the subreddit's rules and adjust your title accordingly before resubmitting.
Error code: submitted_incorrectly
r/<subreddit> is banned on Reddit.
Explanation: The subreddit you're trying to post to has been banned from Reddit.
Suggested Fix: Choose a different subreddit to post your content.
Error code: subreddit_banned
The target subreddit does not exist
Explanation: The subreddit you're trying to post to doesn't exist.
Suggested Fix: Double-check the subreddit's name for any typos or select a different subreddit.
Error code: subreddit_does_not_exist
u/<username> is not allowed to post to r/<subreddit>
This failure can happen for a few reasons. Sometimes the error message from Reddit is "This community only allows trusted members to post here."
- Your account has been restricted from posting in the specified subreddit.
- The subreddit is private and you are not marked as an approved submitter.
- You recently changed your Reddit password or two-factor authentication and Postpone lost its connection to your account.
Suggested Fixes:
- Contact the subreddit's moderators for more information.
- If the subreddit is private then fill out any verification requirements to become an approved submitter.
- If you recently changed your Reddit password or two-factor authentication then re-connect your account under Settings > Connected Accounts > Reddit.
- You do not need to remove your Reddit account from Postpone first.
- Choose a different subreddit.
Error code: subreddit_not_allowed
Error communicating with Reddit
Explanation: There was an unforeseen error while the app was trying to communicate with Reddit.
Suggested Fix: Wait a few moments and try again. If the issue persists, contact support.
Error code: unknown
That post link is not a valid URL
Explanation: The link you provided for the post is not in a valid URL format.
Suggested Fix: Double-check the link for any typos or formatting errors and correct them before retrying.
Error code: url_invalid
Subreddit Post Requirement Errors
The following error messages are violations of a subreddit's post requirements, which moderators set up. These requirements can change at any time.
Postpone will display validation messages while scheduling if your posts violate these requirements, however you can ignore those warnings and schedule the post anyway. Those posts may fail with the following error messages.
Error code (for all post requirements errors): submitted_incorrectly
This community requires title to be under N characters
Explanation: The title of your post exceeds the character limit set by the subreddit.
Suggested Fix: Shorten your title to N characters or less and try again.
This community requires title to be at least N characters
Explanation: The title of your post is shorter than the required number of characters set by the subreddit.
Suggested Fix: Make your title longer, ensuring it's at least N characters, and try again.
Your title does not meet the requirements for this community. See the rules for more details.
Explanation: Your post title doesn't adhere to the specific rules set by the subreddit's moderators.
Suggested Fix: Review the subreddit's rules and adjust your title accordingly before resubmitting.
This community requires "word" in post titles
Explanation: The subreddit requires posts to have a specific word in the title, and your title doesn't contain it.
Suggested Fix: Include the required word in your title and resubmit your post.
You may not have "word" in your title.
Explanation: The subreddit prohibits the inclusion of a specific word in post titles, and your title contains it.
Suggested Fix: Remove the prohibited word from your title and resubmit your post.
The link must be from one of the approved domains: i.imgur.com
Explanation: The subreddit only allows links from specific domains, and your link doesn't match one of those approved domains.
Suggested Fix: Use a link from the approved domain (in this case, i.imgur.com) or choose another subreddit that allows your link's domain.
This domain is not approved: i.imgur.com
Explanation: The subreddit does not allow links from the specified domain.
Suggested Fix: Use a link from an approved domain or select a different subreddit that allows links from i.imgur.com.
Your post must contain post flair.
Explanation: The subreddit requires all posts to have a flair, and you haven't added one to your post.
Suggested Fix: Add the appropriate flair to your post and try submitting again.
This community has limits on how often the same link can be posted, and this link was posted within the past N days
Explanation: The subreddit has rules against reposting the same link within a certain timeframe, and your link has already been posted within the past N days.
Suggested Fix: Wait until the day limit expires or share a different link.