Using Subreddit Analysis with Bulk Import or Post Templates

Learn how you can use Postpone to determine the best time to submit to Reddit.
Written by Grant - Postpone Founder
Updated 1 year ago

Both Bulk Import and Post Templates support Postpone's Subreddit Analysis feature, which analyzes a subreddit to determine the best time to submit your posts.

For Bulk Import, instead of including a specific date and time in the post_at column you'll use a different format to tell Postpone Subreddit Analysis which day and time to pick.

For Post Templates, fill out the Schedule Date Expression field. Postpone will use this value when scheduling posts using the template.

Postpone uses a format called Schedule Date Expression. The following formats are supported:

  1. best_today / best_tomorrow - pick the best time today or tomorrow
  2. best_4_days / best_12_days - pick the best time on relative date, e.g. 12 days from today
  3. best_2023-11-06 - pick the best time on absolute date, e.g. November 6, 2023
  4. best_next_7_days / best_next_3_days - pick the best day and time between now and later, e.g. 7 days from today
For Bulk Import, Schedule Date Expressions should go in the post_at column of your CSV file.

Best time today or tomorrow

To schedule your post for the best time today use the following format:

  • best_today

To schedule your post for the best time tomorrow use the following format:

  • best_tomorrow

Best time on a relative date

To schedule your post using the best time on a relative date (a date some number of days from today) use the following formats:

  1. best_4_days - pick the best time 4 days from today
  2. best_12_days - pick the best time 12 days from today
  3. best_1_day - pick the best time 1 day from today (this is the same as best_tomorrow)

Best time on an absolute date

To schedule your post using the best time on an absolute date (a specific date in the future) use the following formats:

  1. best_2023-11-06 - pick the best time on November 6, 2023
  2. best_2023-07-15 - pick the best time on July 15, 2023

The date format is YYYY-MM-DD; a four digit year, a 2 digit month, and a 2 digit day.

Best time between today and later

Bulk Import can also pick both the best day and time. To schedule your post using the best day and time between today and later use the following formats:

  1. best_next_7_days - pick the best day and time over the next week
  2. best_next_3_days - pick the best day and time over the next 3 days
  3. best_next_1_day - pick the best day and time between today and tomorrow

You can pass a number larger than 7 if you want a day in a future week to be picked. This is useful for scheduling posts multiple weeks at a time. For example:

  1. best_next_14_days - pick the best day and time between 7 and 14 days from now.
  2. best_next_21_days - pick the best day and time between 14 and 21 days from now.

Using the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th best time

Postpone supports scheduling posts for the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th best time on a date instead of the best time. This is helpful if you'd like to schedule different submissions to the same subreddit at different times throughout the day.

To schedule your posts using the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th best time simply prefix the value in the post_at column with a number.

Here are some examples of using the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th best time:

  • 2best_today - pick the 2nd best time today
  • 3best_4_days - pick the 3rd best time 4 days from now
  • 4best_next_7_days - pick the 4th best time over the next 7 days

Time Offsets

Postpone also supports offsetting the time chosen from subreddit analysis recommendations. This is useful if you'd like to space out your posts to ensure they aren't scheduled at the same time, or aren't all submitted at the top of the hour.

To use time offsets, suffix the value in the post_at column using the format like +20m (add 20 minutes) or -1h (subtract 1 hour).

Here are some examples of using time offsets with the other formats listed above:

  • best_today+20m - pick the best time today and add 20 minutes
  • best_tomorrow-3h - pick the best time tomorrow and subtract 3 hours
  • 4best_next_7_days+35m - pick the 4th best time over the next 7 days and add 35 minutes
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